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"Me and my husband had been trying for baby for around 7 years. In 2019 we found out that I had severe endometriosis and my husband had a low sperm count, to be honest hearing this news turned our world upside down. I embarked on two rounds of IVF during 2020 and what an emotional roller coaster it had been. I was then told that due to my endometriosis that I would need surgery again before embarking on my 3rd round of IVF. Around January of this year (2021) I came across the wonderful Lisa's 'Fertilityism'. She provided so much knowledge in regards to healthy eating. I immediately arranged a consultation, where she created a healthy eating plan to support both myself and husband for our next round of IVF. However, three months later I fell pregnant naturally. I honestly believe it was Lisa who made this little miracle come true. She is absolutely amazing in what she does and I highly recommend her.

Thank you for all your help!"

Francesca (Age, 30)


"I came across Fertilityism when I realised IVF was on the cards, I followed Lisa’s amazing Instagram page and picked up so many pointers from her daily advice and tips. After a failed IVF round in July 2021, I thought it’d be good to have a chat with Lisa and see what changes the expert thought could work. After a consultation I immediately felt inspired to do more with my nutrition, then a few days later the email of knowledge and guidance came through. There was so much incredible content which allowed me to read positive ways and steps forward - rather than feeling like things were hard!! I took the general message and made the changes, which all felt manageable and easy to do. 


Since then I have had a successful round of IVF and expecting twins next year. Lisa has been an amazing support, I’ve asked her loads of questions along the way and genuinely think she’s doing a brilliant service, because infertility or fertility in general is complicated so why not get some amazing help along the way! (Thank you Lisa x) ."

Serena (Age, 36)

"My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 3 years. After failed medicated rounds, IUI, 3 IVFs and 2 miscarriages we were pretty discouraged. I’ve always been eating healthy but being plant based I wanted to make sure I wasn’t overlooking anything and was giving us the best chance. I opted for Lisa's full bespoke nutrition plan - she was amazing in suggesting relevant tweaks to my diet to increase my protein intake and keep sugar under control (I have PCOS). I’m now almost 18w pregnant and couldn’t be happier. Furthermore, her guide is super helpful even during pregnancy with advise on what to eat and what to avoid plus she always just a message/email away and you feel fully supported. I’m so glad I had the chance to work with Lisa and would highly recommend her.”
Barbara (Age, 37)

"I began speaking to Lisa when my husband and I started trying for a baby having been told 6 months prior that I had very low AMH levels / a diminished ovarian reserve, which would reduce our chances of being able to conceive naturally. I found her bespoke nutritional guidance and tips on what to include and exclude from my diet really helpful, and putting it all into practice made me feel like I was doing all I could to prepare myself both physically and mentally for what was to come. To our surprise, we found out I was pregnant naturally just a few weeks after and I’ll be forever grateful to Lisa for giving me the reassurance, confidence and self belief I needed at that time."
Laura (Age, 33

"The IVF journey is definitely one big emotional rollercoaster! From the very beginning of my journey I found Lisa's IG page and the instant support was incredible. Just from checking in daily at Lisa's posts would instantly make me feel like i wasn't alone! Lisa has been through the fertility journey herself so her understanding and empathy is second to none and makes her so relatable. 
The nutritional guidance I have received has been brilliant and she creates a personable experience for each individual to suit your lifestyle and your needs. Myself and partner are very grateful and pleased to say that our 2nd round of IVF has been a success and I am currently 12 weeks pregnant. 
I would highly recommend Lisa's nutritional coaching. I have learned so much and I will continue to nourish my body with goodness and feel confident with my food choices."
Cass (Age, 32) 

"Lisa came into my life at just the right time. I'd been following her instagram for a while and everyday really looked forward to seeing her valuable advice on nutrition for boosting fertility. I really like her down-to-earth approach and her achievable bespoke nutritional plans make it super easy to stick to and incorporate into your lifestyle. We started trying for a baby in March and one month ago (October) I finally made the decision to start working with Lisa. I wish I'd done it sooner as yesterday we found out we're pregnant and I can't put into words how truly happy and thankful I am."
Jessica (Age, 30) 

"I began speaking to Lisa after our first IVF cycle failed, I was feeling low and run down. Lisa made me feel, I was not alone on my journey and helped me emotionally through a difficult time. After a few weeks of following her nutrition advice I felt healthier, had lost weight and my mind was clearer. I would definitely recommend Lisa to anyone who is looking to improve their chances of pregnancy."
Liv (Age, 33) 

"I came across Lisa’s instagram during one of my many searches when looking for support for people trying to conceive. There was something about her content that really caught my attention, so I didn’t hesitate in contacting her to discuss a preconception fertility nutrition plan. From our first conversation it was like talking to an old friend & I felt at ease to open up about many things I haven’t even discussed with my nearest & dearest. Having said that, I thought I was fairly healthy, & I was somewhat skeptical about the advice that I may be given. Naively I thought I ‘knew’ what she would advise & that it would be impossible for me to follow.
HOW WRONG WAS I! I had no idea that some of the ‘healthy’ things I was eating could be negatively affecting my fertility and I most certainly underestimated the amount of fruit & vegetables needed for a fertility friendly diet. The plan was easy to follow and with just some small tweaks & changes I was on the right track. After only a few weeks following Lisa’s plan I noticed a difference in how I felt & my energy levels. I have seen some very exciting results! Lisa has been so supportive & helpful answering many of my questions and has gone above & beyond to support me."
Ellissa (Age, 32) 

 "After a recent miscarriage my wife sent Lisa’s Instagram to have a nosey at the nutritional side and advice. I followed Lisa’s Instagram for a matter of days, we spoke on DM’s arranged a call and then I went ahead with the premium plan. We were holding onto straws as our next IVF cycle was happening after an awful month of downs, I started the plan a week before our transfer day of FET. I had already started a few tips prior to receiving the plan, it took time to digest but woo the amount of information Lisa gives you is beyond helpful. We’re really grateful for Lisa, now after following the plan for a while now, it’s become habit. I message Lisa on a regular basis, not only is she amazing with her nutritional advice she is also a lovely woman sharing her experiences and also general chat which in today’s society is lovely. Now we’re pregnant and Lisa is often checking in to make sure we’re all ok. What a lovely lady, and all I can say it is the best purchase I have made to help us reach our goal after our devastating loss."
Ellie (Age, 30) 

"I have to say there is a lot to be said for lifestyle. If I had just slowed down and made the tweaks and enhancements to my diet as advised by Lisa and stopped stressing I believe I would of fell pregnant a lot quicker. Lisa, what you are doing is amazing. I've waited 6 years for this and all I needed to do was actually put into action what you were saying."

Faith (Age, 26) 

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