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Why Carbs are a MUST for your fertility diet

When it comes to carbohydrates, they are an absolute must for your 'fertility diet'. Carbohydrates are a necessary macronutrient and act as our body’s main source of energy. There is absolutely nothing to gain from cutting out food groups especially when TTC. It is all about eating the right kind of carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are classified into two categories: simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are highly refined with less fibre and are digested rapidly that can cause blood sugar levels to spike and an increase in ovulatory infertility. Basically irregular ovulation or lack of ovulation as well as an increased risk of obesity. These foods include white bread and white pasta's. A woman has a 20-25% chance of conceiving each month, so it is especially important to nourish your body with food's that support your menstrual cycle and ovulation.

Complex carbohydrates have a high fibre content, such as whole grains, legumes, veggies and fruits. They are digested slowly, keeping us fuller for longer. These carbohydrates help reduce health risks and have higher levels of vitamins and minerals.

So, what carbohydrates are good for me to eat?

Choosing complex carbs that are not highly refined or processed, available in their whole form will give you energy by releasing sugar into your blood slowly and evenly. This is beneficial for our hormones, cycle and ovulation. Include these foods to benefit your health and fertility;

Whole grains including oats & brown rice

Legumes including lentils & beans

Vegetables including sweet potato & butternut squash

These grains and vegetables are a rich source of fibre, B and E vitamins that are essential for cellular reproduction, the production of healthy sperm and eggs and hormonal balance.

Broaden your nutrition knowledge to benefit your overall health and fertility with my A-Z of Fertility Nutrition, read more here.

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