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Foods to support implantation

When trying for a baby, it can feel like there are so many factors out of our control, when in fact there is so much we can actually do to support and improve our chances of falling pregnant. Research shows focusing on our nutrition and lifestyle for a minimum of 3 months pre conception can improve our chances of conception by up to 80%!

There are a certain foods famously linked to helping improve the chances of implantation. Trust me I have googled pretty much all of them! The most popular are the famous pineapple, pomegranate and brazil nuts - although these foods are rich in many fertility friendly nutrients, there is no actual scientific evidence that backs up they support implantation. Although eating these foods will certainly do you no harm, focusing on your overall health and the foods you eat in the months leading up to conception and throughout your cycle is far more beneficial and a healthy approach.

Using this time to focus on your health will not only make you feel amazing, it improves pregnancy outcomes and your future baby's health.

Understanding your cycle

During the follicular phase (the time between the first day of your period and ovulation), our bodies build a lining called the endometrium. Every month it thickens and renews itself preparing for pregnancy, this is where the embryo implants if conception is successful. If pregnancy does not occur, the endometrium sheds aka the menstruation and so it rebuilds again with a new period every month. Nourishing our bodies is essential throughout our cycle but nutrition during the follicular phase in particular helps support a healthy estrogen level and supports the endometrium to grow smooth and thick.

Hormone fluctuations whilst the lining is forming can affect the lining making it less smooth and more bumpy. This can make implantation more difficult to occur. Foods rich in preservatives (processed foods), pesticides (non organic fruit and veggies), satuarated and hydrogenated fats (normally found in processed meats and red meat) can all increase the production of estrogen and worsen hormone imbalances. Swapping meats for oily fish and eggs, shopping organic, making your own meals and eating less processed foods are all simple tweaks that are easy to make to support implantation.

Foods to support implantation

Throughout your cycle, you want to choose foods that will lower inflammation, improve blood flow and support hormone balance to support implantation during the two week wait;

  1. Anti inflammatory foods

Omega 3 fatty acids are linked to helping decrease inflammation, think fatty fish, avocados, extra virgin olive oil.

2. Hormone balancing foods

Swapping refined 'white' carbohydrates for complex varieties will help with hormone balance, swapping white

potatoes for sweet potatoes, white rice for brown rice and oats and nuts for shop bought porridges and granolas.

Healthy fats are also a great addition to balancing our hormones, such as the famous avocado.

3. Progesterone enhancing foods

Zinc and vitamin B6 foods are linked to supporting natural progesterone levels, eating more foods like shellfish,

nuts and seeds will top up your zinc levels whilst poultry, pork, eggs, oats and bananas are all good

sources of vitamin B6.

4. Blood friendly foods

Ask any acupuncturist and they will advise you to eat more foods to improve blood flow when trying to conceive

Nitrate rich foods include beetroots, garlic and pomegranate.

Try incorporating more of these foods into your daily diet for the upcoming months throughout your cycle. Small tweaks and enhancements to your diet to benefit your overall health can help in your favour with a successful implantation.

Sending positivity and support, Lisa x


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