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10 HEALTHY items to buy on your weekly food shop

Feeling overwhelmed when it comes to healthy eating and your weekly food shop? I know the feeling. Preparing healthy food at home does not need to be daunting. My number one tip is to keep it simple. Whether you enjoy cooking or you only do it because you have to, buying fresh food you can easily throw together is a priority for less waste and healthy meals that you do not have to spend hours in the kitchen cooking guaranteed to help you feel good from the inside, out.

Focus on stocking up on store cupboard essentials that can be re-used including oils for cooking, nuts for snacking, seeds for topping on smoothies and meals, breakfast options including oats, tinned goods such as grains for long lasting energy and spices/herbs to throw together a quick, easy meal with a kick of flavour. Once your store cupboard is stocked, it is easy to write a list of your fresh ingredients. Sit down and meal plan for the week ahead including options for snacks, it is even easier to make healthy decisions when you have a solid shopping list. If you have a fridge stocked with healthy foods, it is easy to make healthier choices. Next time you hit up your local supermarket you will have a plan in place to implement healthy eating patterns at home.

These 10 items are grocery staples, which will help you achieve your goals of reaching optimum nutrition for your overall health whether your trying to conceive, currently pregnant, breast feeding or recovering post-natal.


Opt for natural, organic eggs, this means that the hens lay their eggs in a pesticide free environment and are not pumped with hormones meaning the hen's healthy diet and lifestyle contribute to a higher vitamin content when compared to non-organic eggs particularly in vitamin A, D, E and beta-carotene.

Eggs are a good staple of high quality protein to keep you fuller for longer for breakfast, brunch or lunch. Get creative and cook any style for an easy meal to throw together, delicious with minimal effort.


Sweet potatoes are a complex carbohydrate meaning unlike their white counterpart they will not raise blood sugar levels, and are digested slower providing slow releasing energy. They contain a high dose of beta-carotene and fibre helping increase fullness and improving digestive health. The nutrients associated with sweet potatoes are linked to enhancing fertility for both men and women.

Throw in cubed sweet potato to salads, use as an alternative to toast for breakfast, add to your curry's, or quite simply, bake and mash it up. It is a versatile food which makes any meal satisfying.


A handful of nuts are a great on the go snack, brazil nuts in particular are rich in many antioxidants including selenium which may help immune function and thyroid function, which can have a role in fertility. Eat whole or grind and add to porridge, salads or a fertility friendly smoothie.


Any fruit from the berry family are loaded with natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients as well as containing less sugar than other fruits. These antioxidants are linked to help boosting male and female fertility and may help prevent cell damage/ageing whilst the folate and vitamin C content can help with fetal development. Postnatally, berries are an excellent choice to meet your needs. Eat as a snack, add in to porridge or blend into smoothies, whatever takes your fancy.


Dark leafy greens including spinach are a great way to increase your folate intake naturally, which may prevent neural tube defects including spina bifida, during pregnancy. Wherever you are at in your fertility journey, these leafy greens are packed in nutrients including calcium, iron, manganese and vitamin C. A handful of spinach is a great addition to any meal, as a base for salads, to throw in to stir fry's and smoothies.


Avoid low fat dairy products and yoghurts with added sweeteners and sugars, instead opt for a good quality, natural greek yoghurt and add your choice of fruit to flavour as an easy dessert. Greek yoghurt is rich in protein, calcium, probiotics, iodine and vitamin B12, benefiting gut health. If you are dairy free, try opting for coconut yoghurt as an alternative. Add with homemade granola for breakfast, to dressings for salads or with fruit as a dessert to curb sugar cravings.


Wild salmon is rich in essential fatty acids and omega 3's as well as a natural source of vitamin D all of which are linked to optimal pre-conception health and a healthy pregnancy. The omega 3 fatty acids help keep your joints strong and healthy as mum to be supports growing baby and they also help build the eyes and brains of your baby.


For those of you that follow my instagram, you will know I am obsessed with warm lemon water upon waking every morning for it's digestive health benefits. Citrus fruits including lemons are a rich source of antioxidants including vitamin C. Lemons help with enzyme production which support hormonal, thyroid and adrenal health. Creating a healthy hormonal balance is very important for optimum health. Add slices of lemon to naturally flavour water or a squeeze of lemon to your receipe's or dressings to reap the health benefits.


Sugar cravings are very normal, it is how we satisfy these cravings that is the real test not letting them harbour our health goals. 1-2 squares of dark chocolate are an easy way to satisfy a sweet tooth whilst providing a good source of antioxidants. Dark chocolate contains more cacao and less sugar than milk or white chocolate as well as health benefits as it is naturally high in iron and manganese. These two nutrients are especially beneficial when trying to conceive. Remember chocolate contains caffeine and it is important to limit this to under 200 mcg during pregnancy (before you devour the whole bar).

10. OATS

Oats are a wonderful breakfast staple to make porridge, breakfast bars and smoothies with the low GI, complex carbohydrate providing a good source of slow releasing energy without spiking blood sugar levels. Aswell as providing a good source of carbohydrates, oats are also rich in fibre, B vitamins, selenium, zinc and magnesium - all wonderful nutrients for the reproductive system.

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