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Why it is just important to prepare mentally as it is physically for IVF

I did not understand the importance of preparing mentally for fertility treatment until undergoing my second round. First time around, preparation was all about getting my body pregnancy ready and making it the perfect, welcoming environment for the implanting embryo. There is no denying IVF is stressful, not only are you undergoing invasive procedures, daily injections and blood tests (which I mentally had to psyche myself up for each and EVERY time) but most of us go through a hell of a journey to get to the point of having the treatment. We are in this mindset of trying to be as positive possible that maybe just maybe things will work out but it is a rollercoaster ride. A doctors appointment or blood test one day can make you feel positive and tomorrow's bloods or scan the next day can cause anxiety and doubt to come creeping in. People underestimate how stressful fertility treatment is and being told 'not to stress' is pretty much impossible which is why - news flash - research has actually proven stress actually does not affect an IVF outcome. Despite this, feeling anxious is not a nice feeling and there is a lot to be said for a mind-body connection. The more we tell ourselves we are not able of achieving something we are creating negative energy and our bodies and mind believe it is not possible. By opening up our mind that actually 'I CAN' do this, you feel hope, optimism and believe it is possible. When the mind is calm, the body can begin to relax, opening it up to the possibility. You do not have to believe in the mind body-connection but there is no denying it feels good to be positive .

The below advice will not only help you prepare for your upcoming treatment, they can be used throughout treatment when things get on top of you to de-stress



Focus on low impact exercise that encourages stress relief, in the lead up to treatment good exercise includes barre, yoga, pilates and brisk walking. Exercise is proven to relieve anxiety and reduce stress levels so make time for yourself even if it just 30 minutes of walking a day. Make this time for YOU. It is your workout so switch off and enjoy it. There is nothing I love more than putting my headphones in and getting in the zone and not thinking about anything else other than the workout. When undergoing a cycle, opt out of exercise completely and start to introduce brisk walking whilst in the two week wait. It will keep you fit, help your blood supply and help take your mind off things.


Acupuncturists believe "energy" flows along specific meridians in our bodies, and by stimulating specific points along these meridians, the energy can be balanced leading to improved health and well being. Acupuncture for fertility focuses on reducing stress, increasing the blood flow to the reproductive organs and balancing the endocrine system, the collection of grands that produce the hormones that regulate growth and development, reproduction, sexual function, metabolism, sleep and mood. Not only does acupuncture induce deep relaxation and emotional release (I can vouch for this!), research has proven it can increase the success of IVF. That's me sold.


Simple and sounds like something your mum would say, but effective. No one functions at their best when they have not had enough sleep. Aim for good quality sleep by switching off from your phone and TV at least 1 hour before bedtime., the blue light emitted can lead to poor quality sleep. Create a bed time routine, and bedtime something you look forward to whether its reading a chapter of book before bed, chatting with your partner or beauty routine, find what works for you, relax and enjoy those zzz's, plus everything always feels better after a good night's sleep.


Now is the time to put yourself first. Women need to stay on top of their medication schedules during this time, particularly with certain injections and medication being time specific. It is important to sit down with a nurse to understand when and how to take certain medications. It is a lot to take in so make sure to ask lots of questions and right everything down as well as taking an out of office hours number for your clinic, on the off chance you need to contact your clinic.


Speaking with women who know what you are going through really can make a difficult process a lot easier. I speak with many women who share with me how lonely they find struggling to conceive and undergoing treatment. It can feel like a big relief and weight off your shoulders speaking about how you feel to someone other than your partner who can actually relate. Connect with other women going through IVF and share your experiences, this personally helped me a lot with feeling better about the whole process.


It is important to maintain a healthy, balanced diet in the months leading up to treatment, certain foods are proven to make both a women's eggs and male sperm higher quality but many of these same foods are also beneficial for your mental health. Oily fish including wild salmon is rich in DHA, widely renowned as 'brain' food and proven to reduce feelings of anxiety. Wholegrain's are a good source of tryptophan, an amino acid that helps produce the 'feel good hormone' - serotonin whilst berries contain a compound called polyphenolics, which have been found to improve memory, concentration and attention span.


There are many meditation techniques that can be adopted daily to help relieve tension, I love the apps - Headspace and Calm as they are accessible on your phone at the touch of a button when you need them. 10 minutes of mindfulness daily can help improve your physical health, improve sleep and relieve stress, find a way to implement it in to your daily routine whether its first thing in the morning or in the evening. If mindfulness is new to you, give it some time and write a journal of how you feel after doing it.

Hypnotherapy can help with overcoming overwhelming feelings and alleviating stress whether your struggling to get pregnant or holding on traumatic memories of past experiences. The body can suppress these internal messages and by reducing stress, increasing confidence and instilling a sense of control you can maximise your chances of conceiving naturally and/or alongside fertility treatment.


Be kind to yourself. Make time to prioritise you and to do things you enjoy. Reward yourself with small things after hitting milestones during the process, not only will it make you happy and make you feel good, you most definitely deserve it.

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