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Fertility Foods: Avocado & Prawn Lettuce Cups

Avocado and prawns are my favourite ever combination, not only do they taste delicious, both ingredients are packed with nutritional goodness. Let's start with avocados, these are one of my top recommended foods for conceiving and they are equally amazing to eat during pregnancy. First and foremost, fat is good for fertility but I am talking strictly good fats! Avocados are rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids aka MUFA's, which are importantly associated with lowering the risk of ovulatory infertility. Secondly, in addition to fat, avocados are rich in folate, potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B6, all of which are beneficial for reproductive health for both you and your partner. Vitamin B6 is particularly beneficial in pregnancy helping the baby's tissue and brain growth as well as easing morning sickness.

Prawns are completely safe to eat during pregnancy as they are low in mercury, just make sure they are cooked properly like in this recipe. They are rich in selenium as well as zinc to help support a healthy immune system. Lean animal protein is beneficial for a pre conception diet, to improve egg and sperm quality. During pregnancy it is important to make sure women are getting enough protein to positively help the growth of fetal tissue including the baby's brain. Experts recommend eating an additional 75 - 100g grams of protein daily, this also helps breast and uterine tissue to grow during pregnancy, and it plays a role in your increasing blood supply.

Fertility Nutrients

Folate. Iron. Magnesium. Mono-saturated Fatty Acids. Niacin. Potassium. Selenium. Vitamin A. Vitamin B6. Vitamin C. Vitamin E.


Serves 2 ppl

2 little gem lettuces

140g prawns

1 avocado

3 tbsp coconut yoghurt

Juice of 1 lemon

1 garlic clove, crushed

Sea salt and ground pepper, seasoning

Extra virgin olive oil


1. Gently heat a pan with a little olive oil and add the garlic and prawns, simmer for 5mins until the prawns are cooked.

2. Mix the coconut yoghurt and half the lemon juice, season and taste, add more lemon juice or seasoning to how you like it.

3. Slice the avocado into length size pieces.

4. Lay out the lettuce cups, add a slice of avocado, a spoonful of the yoghurt to each cup and 3 of your garlic prawns to each lettuce cup.

5. Bon appetit!

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