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8 Foods To Increase Your Man's Fertility

By adding these foods to your baby making menu, you will be boosting the nutrients your man needs to increase his sperm count as well as your chances of conceiving. Diet and lifestyle can have a massive impact on sperm health. If your diet consists of processed 'junk' food, high meat consumption and sugar, you will not be getting the nutrients needed for optimum sperm health. A balanced diet and healthy lifestyle comprising of exercise, avoiding alcohol and cigarettes, is without a doubt going to benefit your man's fertility and your chances of conceiving naturally.


for sperm production

Oysters are not just an aphrodisiac, they are one of the highest sources of zinc, which is proven to improve sperm production. Low levels of zinc in men are linked to low testosterone levels and poor sperm quality so making sure your man is getting enough zinc will make sure his fertility is in tip top condition as well as helping his immune system and metabolic function. Other great sources of zinc include turkey, pumpkin seeds, lobster and mussels.


for sperm motility

Garlic is rich in vitamin B6, allicin and selenium, all of which play an important role in healthy sperm production. Allicin is proven to improve the blood flow to his sexual organs and protecting sperm from damage whilst the antioxidant selenium is beneficial to improving sperm motility. Aim for 1 - 2 cloves daily.


for antioxidants

Dark chocolate contains an amino acid that is proven to double sperm and semen volume. It is rich in antioxidants, up there with pomegranate and berries, which is beneficial to helping defend the body against free radicals. Free radicals are molecules found in pollution and toxins that are linked to male infertility. Make sure you opt for a cocoa content of 70%+ cocoa and 1 - 2 squares daily. Do not go overboard on the dark chocolate, weight gain is proven to cause hormonal imbalance and can lower your man's sperm count.


for lycopene

Tomatoes are the main dietary source of an antioxidant called lycopene, earning it credit as a male fertility superfood. Cooked tomatoes are higher in lycopene. so be sure to cook those tomatoes to reap the health benefits including boosting sperm quality, amount and motility. One study reports men having 8mg of lycopene daily (compared to 4mg) for 8 - 12 months lead to improved semen health and increased pregnancy rates.


for libido

Bananas are proven to increase male libido and regulate sex hormones because of an enzyme called bromelain. As they are rich in vitamin C, A, B1 & 6 bananas are packed with nutrients to boost his body's ability to produce sperm. Bananas are a great snack as a portable source of quick energy alongside a handful of nuts which will help regulate blood sugar levels.


for sperm count

Introducing a handful of walnuts daily will keep your man topped up with omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids are proven to increase sperm count and boost blood flow to the genitals. Eating a walnut enriched diet can help reduce lipid peroxidation, a process that can damage sperm cells. Just one handful of walnuts contains 13g of polyunsaturated fatty acids, out of 18g of total fat, of which is proven to improve sperm motility and morphology.


for volume

Asparagus is packed with antioxidants and nutrients including vitamins A, C and folate. These nutrients are critical for healthy sperm production, aswell as boasting properties to lower blood sugar levels and can help the cardiovascular system. Vitamin C protects sperm from damage and increases its motility and volume, helping your man's swimmers move faster.

8. GINSENG for testosterone

It sounds like some wacky throwback to traditional Chinese medicine, but ginseng root has been proven in research to help improve male fertility. This aphrodisiac root has been used to treat infertility for hundreds of years. It is proven to boosts levels of testosterone and increase blood flow. Get your man to drink tea with ginseng, or dried ginseng root for a boost when trying to conceive.

Thankyou for reading this post, contact me on @fertilityism / if you are interested in bespoke nutrition plans.

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