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Toasted Pecan, Hazelnut & Oat Blueberry Crunch

This makes a great no fuss with no refined sugar granola. Why buy granola, when its easy-peasy to make a big batch of your own at home minus the hidden sugars with no nasty blood sugar spikes. This recipe can be varied with whatever nuts take your fancy. I adore the flavour of toasted hazelnuts and pecans with crunchy golden oats. Most granolas are a bowl full of sugar full of dried fruits, even the 'healthy' ones are likely to contain some form of added sugar, prior to making my own I used to eat this Rude Health granola (which still includes date syrup and unrefined cane juice sugar!). By making your own your completely in control of what your adding in & if you want an extra added sweetness, you can add a drizzle of honey upon serving.

Nuts and seeds are so important part for fertility nutrition, pregnancy nutrition and beyond by supplying the body with ample fiber, protein, minerals and essential fatty acids. Pecans are rich in fiber, unsaturated fats, zinc, folate and vitamins A and E. Hazlenuts are similarly rich in fiber, unsaturated fats aswell as calcium, magnesium and vitamins B & E.

The 4 key nutrients from nuts and seeds with maximum benefits for fertility are:

*Protein - Proteins are required for building and repair of the body's tissues this includes a growing baby in the womb. The amino acids that make up protein are the building blocks of the body’s cells, including those of your baby. Protein is also an excellent source of energy.

*Zinc - Zinc plays an important role in the proper development of ova and sperm, hormonal balance, prevention of chromosomal defects and prevention of recurrent miscarriage. The best nuts to add to the granola with high content of zinc are pumpkin and sesame seeds.

*Vitamin E - This vitamin is essential for fertility benefiting the nerve cells, red blood cells, liver and immune system. Both hazelnuts and pecans contain vitamin E so are

*Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids - omega-3 supports healthy fertility by helping to regulate hormones, increase cervical mucous production, promote ovulation and improve the quality of the uterus by increasing the blood flow to the reproductive organs. Add walnuts, a sprinkling of flax seeds or chia seeds to the granola for an added dose of omega 3's.

This granola is now always in my cupboard. I love it because its super tasty and filling. It has a little sweetness from the desiccated coconut and cinnamon. Make a big batch at the weekend and enjoy all week long. You can bring a tub into the office and munch on it before starting your emails so your not skipping breakfast. I usually serve my bowl with fresh blueberries and either organic natural or greek yoghurt for added goodness and calcium.

The main ingredient of this crunchy granola are the gluten free oats, they are a great source of important vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre. Oats are a good source of protein and are rich in manganese, iron, zinc and B vitamins all of which are brilliant for fertility nutrition. Oats are high in soluble fibre with benefits including reduced cholesterol and blood sugar levels, healthy gut bacteria and increases the feeling of fullness. The beta-glucan in oats promotes the release of peptide YY, a hormone produced in the gut in response to eating. This satiety hormone has been proven in numerous studies to lead to reduced calorie intake and decrease your risk of obesity.


(Serves 4)

200g pecans

100g walnuts

75g chopped hazelnuts

100g desiccated coconut

200g rolled pure oats

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

150g blueberries or berries of your choice

Organic natural, greek or coconut yoghurt to serve


Preheat the oven to 200°c

Mix together all of the nuts in a large bowl along with the coconut, oats and cinnamon. Spread the mixture onto a baking sheet and toast in the pre-heated oven until golden, for roughly 12 minutes. Make sure to turn halfway through cooking, after 5-6 minutes, give it a good stir, to avoid any risk of burning.

Make sure it comes out nice and crunchy.

Let to cool and either pop it in a jar to seal or toss with the blueberries.

Enjoy it with your choice of yoghurt.

Optional to drizzle with honey if you would like it sweeter.

I hope you enjoy this recipe and please share any recreations by tagging me on instagram :)

Lisa x

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