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Nut Milks | How to make your own

In one of my recent posts, The Great Milk Debate I touched on the health benefits of plant based milks and compared the most popular options available. The general consensus being that by opting for unsweetened versions of your usual almond or oat milk it will ensure pureness with no added sugars, preservatives, stabilisers to reap the most health benefits making YOU feel your most optimal. Shop bought varieties can contain toxic additives such as carrageen, an addictive that can be hard to digest and can cause inflammatory responses in some people, a problem for those suffering from leaky gut syndrome. The World Health Organization lists one type of carrageenan as a “possible human carcinogen” …meaning it may potentially cause cancer. Always check the label of ingredients before buying or make your own. It is far for more economical and healthier than buying the ready-made version.

You can do this recipe with almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, basically whatever takes your fancy:


Soak 150g of your choice of raw nuts in a bowl with filtered water so the nuts are well covered (I have used almonds). Why soak the nuts? Soaking helps to get rid of the phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors, both can be guilty of interfering with the function of digestive and metabolic enzymes. Phytic acid blocks the uptake of essential minerals such as calciun, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. When nuts are soaked, the germination process begins allowing the enzyme inhibitors to be deactivated thus increasing the available nutrition of the nut significantly and making them easier to digest.

I have soaked the almonds for 24 hours overnight, the longer the better, but if your in a rush soak for 4 hours minimum.


Once the almonds are soaked for the desired time, drain the water AND simply blend 1 litre of filtered water with your choice of nuts in a Vitamix of high powered blender until smooth.


Filter the milk with a very fine strainer or a muslin bag to get rid of the nutty pulp. After straining I like to give the milk a quick re-blast in the blender.

For added sweetness, add 1tsp of vanilla extract and re-blend the milk. Double the amount if you prefer a strong vanilla taste. Alternatively you can use almond extract for a stronger almond taste or add 2tbsp of cocoa powder to your unsweetened almond to create chocolate almond milk. There are lots of options available if you prefer your milk sweeter.

Once made keep well refrigerated, it will last for 2-3 days in the fridge, make sure well sealed.

Drink it on its own, in your morning coffee or in a matcha latte to reap the benefits. Try for a few days drinking non shop bought and keep a note of how it makes you feel and see if you notice any difference. It's honestly so easy to make and the only bit of timing involved requires planning to soak the nuts before hand.

Happy sippin' :)

Lisa x

p,s. any feedback/questions reach me on Would love to hear from you x

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