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A note on Resolutions

Another year complete and the new year is here, 2018 - the year of the dog, according to the Chinese zodiac calendar and if the animal is anything to go by, I have high hopes considering my love for dog's. Whilst, the start of the new year is a great opportunity to start with a fresh slate, I am a little over the whole, 'new year, new me' mantra. That may sound negative, but hear me out. I am still me and you are still you. Changing a habit, adventuring on a new opportunity or setting new goals to achieve is not inevitably going to change who we really are deep down, beneath the surface. Whilst asking friends and family what their new year's resolutions are, it made me think, setting unrealistic goals after a December of overindulgence is bound to end in failure. Truly how many of us accomplish our goals of loosing weight, gyming everyday and gaining a body of Irina Shayk. Letting go of insecurities, saying no to self-loafing, setting realistic goals and dropping bad habits is where its at and far much more rewarding.

If 2017 taught me anything it is to have a healthier approach to life in general. We all have different stresses and triggers, and life is a balancing (sometimes juggling) act. Too much work and not enough play, and too much play and not enough work, will not end well and too much of one thing is just plain vanilla boring. Make 2018 the year to take the time for YOU. Making the most of what life throws my way and choosing happiness, that's my goal. Here are my baby steps to achieving the end goal, I am by no means a self-help expert but this is what is working for me right now. I made a start on this at the end of last year, and it's working so far....

1) It's okay to say no

I am always trying to please everyone and will quite often say 'yes' without actually thinking, 'do I have the time to do this' and 'do I want to do it'. I am guilty like many of us of over-scheduling and over-stressing with a busy diary. When really it is okay to say no. Prioritising is the key. There are only so many hours in the day. Whatever you chose to take on limits your ability to do other things. You want to give 100% to the moment your in i.e. not dealing with work and being on your phone if your at dinner with a friend. Reading The Power of Now has drilled this into me. If you can fit a new commitment into your schedule, before jumping to say yes, think if you really do have the time (and makes sure it does not cut in to your time time for relaxing and self-care). Whilst it may sound easier than it is, be open with friends and family and just say, 'I'm sorry, I can't do this right now'. Honesty is honestly the best policy.

2) Switching off

I have by no means got this down, but I am making a big effort in prioritising my day and taking time for me even if it just 10 minutes of mindfulness on Calm or Headspace. (Currently working out which I currently prefer, any other recommendations, please ping my way). I used to make excuses to myself and sometimes still do that I do not possibly have the time to sit down, but really who doesn't have 10 minutes take a time out for themselves. Whether its waking up 10 minutes early or at the end of the day before bed, relaxation time should be a priority and one that many of us overlook. Whilst I am currently trying to work out if mindfulness if my thing (it has not come completely naturally to me), even reading a book and taking the time off your phone or a screen could be that time out for you, or booking a massage - anything to switch off, reset and unwind. Yoga is becoming that for me, by practicing a few times a week, I am switching off and leave feeling rejuvenated.

3) Holistic approach

I read a book called The China Study at the beginning of December whilst holidaying in Dubai. It was recommended by a friend in the summer and whilst I may be a little late to the party, it really has changed the way I think about food and eating habits. After loosing a close family friend to cancer it got me thinking how many of us know someone who have experienced or lost their lives to cancer, if its not in your direct family/friendship group, we all know a friend of a friend. In light of this, and without being totally depressing it made me realise the true importance that if we do not have our health, what do we have? Food is our best medicine. There is no secret to a healthy body - drinking plenty of water, eating the right foods (and preferably organic), and moving our bodies. It's actually pretty simple, diet books and huge cooperations selling sugary, processed foods have got us all bought into this big secret behind it all that just does not exist.

The China Study is a scientific nutrition study supporting plant based diet to prevent risk of fatal diseases. In short, the study concludes that counties with a high consumption of animal-based foods were more likely to have had higher death rates from "Western" diseases, while the opposite was true for counties that ate more plant-based foods. When it boils down to it, the health of my family and friends are what matters, and if that means eating more plant-based foods and reducing animal based proteins then I am all in. Since reading this book on 5th December I have not eaten meat (yes even over Christmas) and have significantly reduced my consumption of fish (when I chose to have it, I am buying fresh and organic). Instead I am increasing my consumption of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, nuts and seeds. My body is my home and I intend to look after it, every day I wake up and it allows me to live my life. Similarly I have changed my outlook to exercise, by switching my mind set to 'I have to go to the gym', I now set myself an intention and am thankful that i am lucky enough that I can work out and exercise, not everyone is so lucky.

In short, it's all about mindset and balance. I hope if any of this applies to you, you take the time to think of ways to simplify life for a positive and happy 2018 and for many years to follow. Being happy is a journey, take baby steps...Rome was not built in a day. \

Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2018. More to come very soon. x

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