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3 of the Best Healthy Pancake Recipes

Healthy pancakes (yes there is such a thing!) are a favourite all year round not just for Shrove Tuesday. A weekend brunch favourite try re-creating these delicious recipes from some of my foodie favourites. All the recipes benefit from having no refined sugar. It is widely reported that an unhealthy diet, high in refined carbohydrates i.e. sugars and saturated fats leads to blood sugar imbalance which in turn has a negative impact on your reproductive system. Sugar is empty calories causing weight gain which converts to fat and puts stress on the body. Next time your craving a sweet fix for breakfast, give one of these a try:

Gluten free pancakes with raspberries & coconut yoghurt

Recipe adapted from Madeleine Shaw

This recipe is dairy and gluten free with no refined sugar.

Made with buckwheat flour, it is a great high fibre, gluten & wheat free alternative to white flour with many additional health benefits. White flour is highly refined meaning it is completely stripped of it's nutrient value with virtually no vitamins, minerals or fats and used in many processed and baked foods. Switching to buckwheat flour is a brilliant alternative as it is a non-allergenic, source of plant based protein with zero gluten, rich in dietary fiber - far more nutritious!

Raspberries are a deliciously healthy topping as they are antioxidant rich and an excellent source of vitamin C and dietary fiber.


Serves 2 ppl

Pancake Mixture

225ml unsweetened almond milk / 4 eggs / 125 buckwheat flour / pinch of Himalayan salt / coconut oil


100g raspberries / 300g coconut yogurt / Maple syrup for drizzling / coconut flakes


Firstly measure and prepare all of the ingredients.

Whisk the eggs and milk in a mixing bowl. Sift in the buckwheat flour and a pinch of the Himalayan sea salt [Note: Himalayan salt is the purest form of salt available with health benefits including promote a stable pH balance, reduce signs of ageing and increases hydration, to read more on the benefits click here].

Now the pancake mixture is ready.

Preheat a pan with 1 tbsp of coconut oil and make sure the pan is well-covered on a medium heat. Add the pancake mixture to the pan & ensure the mixture is evenly spread. Cook for 2 minutes and flip for a further 1 minute until golden. Be warned the first pancake is always a rookie and the second will turn out better. Repeat with the remaining mixture.

Once cooked place a generous tbsp coconut yogurt on half of the pancake and a handful of raspberries. Fold in half and I have added some Nudie coconut chips.

Blueberry Pancakes with Mango Cashew Cream

Recipe from Hemsley + Hemsley.

This recipe is a winner for a twist on American classic blueberry pancakes without the bloat - grain-free, dairy-free, gluten-free and no refined sugar. The mango cashew cream is delicious and makes the perfect accompaniment to the pancakes. Mango is rich in vitamin A & C boosting the immune system, rich in fiber aiding digestion and promoting gut health. The mango cream is primarily made with cashews. By 'activating' the cashew nuts (soaking raw nuts in salt water for at least 3 hours, preferably overnight) the nutrients are believed to be enhanced & easier for the body to absorb. Eating nuts such as cashews are a great source of plant based, healthy fats which help reduce inflammation, promote regular ovulation and general fertility.


Serves 2 people

Pancake Mixture

2 eggs / 2tbsp coconut oil / 4 tbsp warm water / 2 tbsp coconut flour / 1.5 tbsp maple syrup / 1/4 tsp baking powder / 1/2 tsp vanilla extract / 100g blueberries / pinch of Himalayan sea salt

Mango & Cashew Cream

85g cashew nuts / 30g dried mango / water


Prep work for Mango & Cashew Cream:

Soak the cashew nuts in filtered warm water with sea salt (double the volume) for 3 hrs. Soak the dried apricots for a minimum of 1 hour in 350ml water, makes a very generous portion, to make thicker reduce the amount of water.

Drain the cashews and add in the blender with the mango and the water it has been soaking in to a blender. Blend until smooth.

Next up the pancakes, melt the coconut oil in a pan on a low heat and allow to cool. Mix in a bowl the eggs, maple syrup, vanilla and salt until light and fluffy. Sift the coconut flour and baking powder to the mixture. Add to blender with the melted coconut oil and blend. Add 1 tbsp warm water at a time and blend to desired texture. In true American style I have gone thicker.

Heat a little coconut oil on the pan on a medium heat, and when melted add 2 tbsp of the mixture. Push a small handful of blueberries in the centre of the pancake. Cook for 2-3mins if thick for the batter to cook before flipping for a further minute. Repeat for the remaining pancakes.

Serve the blueberry pancakes with a dollop of mango cashew cream and top with coconut shavings and extra blueberries. This is seriously yummy for breakfast or brunch and the perfect guilt free indulgence.

Vanilla Protein Pancakes

Recipe by Bodyism

This makes the perfect post workout breakfast or brunch with the vanilla protein powder. A diet rich in protein is brilliant for fertility and producing good quality eggs. This recipe is 100% dairy free, gluten free with no refined sugar and high in protein keeping you fuller for longer. I found this recipe the easiest of the three to make as the ingredients are simple and just requires whizzing in blender and cooking up. The added protein really does make this a fulfilling meal

You can serve with any toppings desirable I have opted for coconut yogurt, raspberries, cacao nibs, granola and cashew nut butter.


Serves 2 ppl / Makes 6 pancakes

Pancake Mixture

100 gluten free oats / 4 eggs / 1 scoop vanilla protein powder / 1 mashed banana / 1 tsp cinnamon / coconut oil

Suggested Toppings - coconut yogurt / raspberries / granola / cacoa nibs / almond or cashew nut butter


Measure and prepare your ingredients for the pancake mixture (make sure the banana is mashed well). Add the ingredients to the blender and


Now the batter is ready, next up on a medium heat melt 1 tsp of coconut oil on the frying pan. Swirl the oil around to make sure the pan is evenly coated. Pour a ladle of the pancake mixture in the pan and distribute to desired thickness. The banana thickens the batter up so I have gone quite thick.

Cook for 3minutes and flip over for a further 2 minutes until golden brown. Once cooked through remove and repeat with the remaining batter.

Stack your pancakes up and time for the fun part, the toppings.

I have added a large dollop of coconut yogurt, a handful of granola with cocoa nibs, 1 tbsp Meridian cashew nut butter and a handful of raspberries. If your feeling extra healthy you can minus the granola and cocoa nibs and if craving some extra sweetness drizzle maple syrup.

Time to relax and enjoy your pancakes.

Please share your re-creations.

Lisa x

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