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Sea Bass with Roasted Rosemary Sweet Potato & Mixed Salad

Why eat white fish?

Fish and seafood are filled with protein, vitamins and heart healthy omega 3 fatty acids which are all essential nutrients for a fertility diet. As a rule, fish high in mercury are best to avoid when trying to conceive and throughout pregnancy including swordfish, shark, king mackerel, marlin and tuna. These contain dangerously high levels of the heavy metal mercury, a toxin that can damage the nervous system. White fish including sea bass, sea bream, turbot and halibut are recommended to stick to a limit of 2 servings per week as they are oily varieties of white fish to limit the consumption of pollutant's. A portion is around 140g when cooked / 170g uncooked. The NHS advise the following fish does not need to be limited including; cod, haddock, plaice, skate and hake. Overall fish is a brilliant addition to your diet for pre-conception as they provide a source of omega 3 fatty acids and protein low in saturated fat which are essential for mama to be.

Sea bass in particular is a lean source of protein, rich in vitamin D, omega 3's and other nutrients that are crucial for pre-conception, developing baby and a healthy pregnancy.


This recipe is easily adaptable and can be made with any white fish, make sure you source sustainable and organic fish to ensure has reduced pollutants. The combination of the lean protein with the sweet potato provides a naturally sweet taste and the natural sugars release slowly into the bloodstream providing a source of energy, preventing fatigue and weight gain from spikes in blood sugar. It is good to dose up on sweet potatoes in the colder weather as the vitamin C content will help ward off cold and flu's. Sweet potatoes also aid the production of collagen helping maintain the skin's youthful elasticity. As-well as looking good on the outside, the vitamin D content will boost your immune system and enhance energy levels. The greens in the cucumber and avocado salad are high in dietary fibre, vitamin C, potassium and magnesium amongst other vitamins and minerals. All of which contain an array of antioxidants to ensure your body is in tip top condition, feeling and looking great.


Serves 2.

  • 2 Sea Bass Filets (boneless)

  • 2 Sweet Potatoes

  • Mixed Leaf Salad

  • 1 Avocado

  • Juice of 1 lemon

  • 1/4 Cucumber

  • Rosemary (3 sprigs)

  • 1Tbsp Chopped Fresh Parsley

  • 1Tbsp Coconut Oil

  • Red Chilli (Optional)

  • Salad Dressing: 1Tbsp Dijion mustard, 1 tsp Oregano, 1tsp Apple Cider Vinegar, 2 Tbsp Olive Oil

  • Himalayan Pink Sea Salt (seasoning)


Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

Peel & cube the sweet potatoes and soak in water for 10 minutes or so to remove the starch. In the meantime, prepare the salad by chopping the cucumber & avocado into cubes. Squeeze half the lemon juice on the avocado to give the salad a citrus zing and add the cucumber & avocado to a bowl and set aside.

Wash & peel the sweet potatoes and pat dry with a paper towel. Chop into cubes and place the sweet potato in a baking tray with x3 sprigs of rosemary. Coat the sweet potato with 1 tbsp of coconut oil. Hide the rosemary at the bottom of the tray to prevent from burning. Place in the oven for 20-25minutes, after 10 minutes take out to toss and make sure evenly coated.

Now on to the sea bass. Squeeze ½ the lemon juice over the sea bass and sprinkle with the freshly chopped parsley and ¼ thinly sliced fresh red chilli for an extra kick. Season with Himalayan pink sea salt and a drizzle of olive oil. Bake in the oven for 12 minutes.

In the meantime prepare the mustard dressing for the salad. In a small bowl mix the mustard, oregano, apple cider vinegar, olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Add a tsp of cold water (or more) depending on what consistency you want the dressing and a squeeze of lime juice. Mix the dressing and leave aside. Add the mixed leaf salad to the cucumber & avocado and mix in a serving bowl.

Take the sea bass out of the oven and check the sweet potato is ready with a fork to desired texture. Either remove the sweet potato from the oven or leave in for a few more minutes depending on your preference.

Serve the sea bass with sweet potato and share the avocado & cucumber mixed leaf salad with mustard dressing.

There is nothing complicated about this recipe, it is quick to make, uses simple ingredients and is honestly healthy. Remember to shop organic wherever possible to get the most nutrients out of your food and reap the health benefits.

Bon Appetit!

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Lisa x

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