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Zucchini Crust Pizza

I have been totally obsessed with cauliflower base pizza since reading the recipe on Madeleine Shaw’s blog a few years back. It is a family favourite in my house and everyone loves it when I cook it for dinner and having leftovers with salad for lunch. In the event it is not totally demolished in one sitting! I think it is amazing how many healthy alternatives are readily available in supermarkets, to be able to substitute certain ingredients making a 'treat meal' to something healthy. Without getting into the whole gluten free debate, I do eat gluten now and then, but where I can I substitute with an alternative I will do. Reason being, like many people I find foods containing gluten such as pizza can leave me feeling bloated and stodgy. When using an alternative I beat the bloat and feel better, it is a total personal preference and just what works for me :)

In an attempt to mix things up, I thought I would give the whole homemade healthy pizza a switch up by using zucchini (courgette) as a base. I was very happy with the result and actually think I prefer it to the cauliflower crust. S0 without further ado here it goes:

Ingredients for Base

2 courgettes grated

2 eggs organic

1 cup parmigiano reggiano grated

1 tbsp oregano dried

1 cup of gluten free flour


1 can of chopped tomatoes

1 small white onion

2 spring onion

½ tbsp oregano

1 tbsp coconut oil

¼ fresh red chilli chopped

2 cloves of black garlic

50g goats cheese

25g pine nuts

5 mixed olives

Optional: Parma ham / truffle oil.


Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Start by making the base - firstly you want to grate the courgettes into a mixing bowl. Crack the eggs and add the gluten free flour into the bowl also. Grate ½ - 1 full cup of grated parmigiano reggiano cheese, depending on how cheesy you like your pizza - I opted for the full cup. Add the dried oregano to the bowl and season with pepper and sea salt or Himalayan pink salt.

All of the base ingredients are in the bowl now so time to get your hands dirty and mix it altogether. If the base is not binding, then add slightly more of the flour, however it will be a gooey texture.

Add the base to a re-usable non-stick sheet or non-stick baking sheet greased with coconut oil. Put the base in the oven to cook for 15 minutes. Check after 10 minutes that it is crisping up nicely.

In the meantime whilst your base is cooking, melt the coconut oil in a pan with the onion, spring onion, chilli and black garlic.

Sauté for 5 minutes and before adding the can of chopped tomatoes. Simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally whilst adding the oregano and seasoning with sea salt & pepper.

Take the base out of the oven and allow the tomato mix to simmer for a further 5 minutes. Remove the base from the sheet (looks good right?)

Add the cooked tomato mix on to the base. Now time to add your toppings! You can literally add whatever toppings you want depending on your preference and dietary requirements. I have opted for goats cheese, pine nuts and olives, a winning combination for a vegetarian option.

For meat lovers or extra protein you cannot go wrong with a few slices of parma ham.

Health Benefits of Zucchini/Courgette

The sale of zucchini has rocketed since the rise of the spiraliser in the household. This root vegetable whilst low in calories (95% water content) packs a lot of punch nutritionally. The bulk of nutrients are in its thin peel, so to maximise the health benefits cook/eat with the peel intact. Health benefits include:

  • The soluble fibre content slows down digestion and helps stabilise blood sugar & insulin levels (bye bye blood sugar spikes!)

  • High in vitamin K ensuring healthy bones and blood coagulation (a good preventative for osteoporosis)

  • Immune-boosting super vitamin C helps produce & maintain collagen and healthy teeth & bones. Vitamin C-rich foods such as courgettes may significantly decrease risk of diseases including cancer, stroke & heart disease.

  • The potassium content helps control blood pressure

  • Reduce's weight in a healthy way whilst boosting nutrient value of your diet.

To reap the health benefits buy organic and eat within 3-4 days of purchasing, don't cut the zucchini until you plan on eating it. Steam roast or grill instead of boiling to keep the high water content.

I hope you enjoy cooking this at home and please email any feedback on

Peace, love, health and happiness.

L.P x

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