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"My approach to nutrition stems from a passion for food and an appreciation for its healing properties to achieve optimal health pre conception resulting in a healthy pregnancy."

Optimal nutrition and lifestyle play a fundamental role in maximising fertility and increasing the chances of achieving and sustaining a healthy pregnancy and baby. 

Lisa Penny is a qualified nutrition advisor offering bespoke nutrition coaching on a one on one basis to clients. Lisa specialises in the role of diet and lifestyle for women pre-conception and IVF. The advice is evidence based and influenced from Lisa's own fertility journey. Individual tailored programmes are created to enhance and boost fertility naturally through a holistic approach of nourishment from within. Science proves your body and mind need to be healthy to conceive, and this is where the conception plan comes in. 




Most of us women are clued up about diets but a lot less about nutrition as a whole and the impact on our fertility. There is so much contradicting information available online which can feel overwhelming and difficult to navigate when trying to make the right choices for your body pre conception. 

"I am not interested in restrictive diets or calorie counting, my focus is on working with each client individually to guide them towards making informed decisions on healthier food and lifestyle choices". Food nourishes your body and the relationship we have with ourselves, so it is essential to make the choices that make us feel healthiest and happiest especially when preparing for pregnancy and a baby. 


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