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Meet Lisa

As a fully qualified nutrition advisor, Lisa specialises in women's health. Through her own experiences, Lisa has a deep understanding and knowledge of boosting fertility naturally with the foods you eat and why. Whether you are at the start of your conception journey and want to take the steps to prepare your body naturally or embarking on fertility treatments including IVF, Lisa can assist with a bespoke, nutrition plan and emotional support. 

Taking a highly personalised and holistic approach to coaching clients, Lisa's philosophy is centres on nourishment from within. Lisa is an impartial support to assist on your conception journey with the skills to get you living your healthiest life to be baby ready. 

"2018 was a huge learning curve where I cooked more, ate whole foods, quit alcohol & processed foods, embarked on IVF and found a balance where I was happy with food, life and most importantly of all, myself  through an emotional time.

I want to show you how easy it is to eat good food, look after yourself and how taking the time to look after yourself mentally can benefit your body and mind pre-conception. It is not about a diet, it's a way of life to feel the best possible you. If it worked for me, it can work for you too."

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